Private Key

Private Key


Private key a very important topic. Please consider reading thoroughly.

What is Private Key


Lose access to your 🔑 = lose access to all your funds and assets 😭

Private key is somehow similar to how your password works when you log in to any web application.

However each private key is unique and irreplaceable and as mentioned above, losing access to the key = losing ALL your assets in your wallet address.

Every wallet generated with Hikari Wallet comes with an option to export their private key. We are giving full control to the users over their wallet, so you can import your private key to any Ethereum compatible wallet, like Rainbow, Metamask.

DO NOT SHARE to anyone. Not even us.

Exporting Private Key


Proceed only if you know what you're doing


Go to the settings page. Click Export Private Key button.

PrivateKey Email

Login using the same email used for Hikari Wallet

PrivateKey check

Read the fine prints carefully and check the boxes. Click the Reveal private key button to reveal your private key.

PrivateKey revealed

This is your 🔑 private key 🔑

Close this page once you have done using it. DO NOT SCREENSHOT or store at unsafe places. If you need to export, just go to this page again. No need to store this anywhere.

DO NOT SHARE to anyone. Not even us.